
1. 本网站由北京银泰置业有限公司(以下简称“本公司”)运营、管理。使用本网站之前,请仔细阅读下列各项条款与条件,并在同意这些条款与条件的基础上使用。

2. 通过本网站也可以连接到本网站所提供的其他网站的链接方式。使用这些其他网站链接方式之前, 请仔细阅读下列各项条款与条件,并在同意这些条款与条件的基础上使用。

3. 本公司可以不经事先通知而变更使用条款。在此情形下,将适用变更后的最新的使用条款的内容。

4. 用户仅得在同意本网站所有的条款与条件的前提下使用本网站,用户使用本网站的行为,即意味着同意本网站全部条款与条件。

1. This Website is operated and managed by Beijing Yintai Property Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company”), Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before using this Website.Use of this Website shall be based on the acceptance of these terms and conditions.

2. You may link to other websites through the links provided on this Website. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before using these links. Use of these links shall be based on the acceptance of these terms and conditions.

3. The Company is entitled to modify the Terms of Use without prior notice. In such case, the changed and updated Terms of Use shall prevail.

4. Users may use this Website only if they accept all terms and conditions of this Website. Use of this Website will prove that Users have accepted all terms and conditions.




1. 本公司对在本网站中登载的信息、文章、数据、画像、照片、动画、软件等任何内容力求慎重,但是对于其正确性、完整性、有用性、安全性、及时性等都不作任何保证。用户应依靠自身的独立理性判断决定是否使用,因使用本网站所刊载的信息和内容而遭受损失的,本公司对此不承担任何责任。

2. 通过本网站链接的其他网站中包含非本公司所有的、控制的或者管理下的网站(该网站以下称“第三方网站”),本公司不保证也没有义务保证该第三方网站上的信息的真实性、准确性、有效性和合法性。对用户使用第三方网站所刊载的信息和内容所遭受的任何损失,本公司不承担任何责任。通过本网站链接第三方网站并不意味着本公司推荐使用第三方网站或第三方网站中刊登的商品、服务、公司等,也不意味着本公司认同该第三方网站上的任何内容或观点。

3. 本公司对本网站的内容可以不经事先通知而进行更新、删除等。并且,本公司有权不经事先通知而停止、中断、终止本网站的运营等。用户因此而遭受损失的,本公司对此亦不承担任何责任。

4. 此外,本公司对本网站及第三方网站不向用户承担任何责任。

1. While all information, articles, data, portraits, photographs, animations, software, and other contents contained herein has been carefully examined, the Company does not guarantee their correctness, integrity, usefulness, safety and timeliness. Users shall decide whether to use based on their own independent and rational judgment. The Company will not be held liable for any loss caused by the use of the information or contents on this Website.

2. For other websites that this Website links to but beyond the Company’s ownership, control or management (hereinafter referred to as the “Third-party Websites”), the Company does not guarantee and is not obligated to guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, effectiveness or legality of the information provided therein. The Company will not be held liable for Users’ any loss incurred by the use of any information or contents provided by the Third-party Websites. Any links between this Website and the Third-party Websites do not mean that the Company recommends the Users to use the Third-party Websites or the goods, services and companies provide by the Third-party Websites, nor represent that the Company agree with any contents or opinions of the Third-party Websites.

3. The Company may update and delete the contents of this Website without prior notice. The Company is entitled to cease, suspend or terminate the operation of this Website without prior notice, and shall not be held liable for Users’ any loss caused therefrom.

4. In addition, the Company shall assume no responsibility to the Users for this Website or the Third-party Websites.




1. 本网站中刊登的文章、画像、照片、绘画、动画、音乐、程序及其他作品(以下总称“内容物”)涉及知识产权的,其相关的知识产权归属于本公司或其他合法拥有者。

2. 事先未经过本公司及其他合法权利人的书面同意,禁止超越相关法律、法规允许的合理使用范围,对内容物进行复制、公开传播(包括使传播的可能)、口述、展览、发行、转让、租赁、翻译、改编、修改、删节、转载及其它侵犯知识产权法的行为。但是本网站其他条款与条件另有规定的除外。

1. For Articles, portraits, photographs, paintings, animations, music, programs and other works (collectively, the “Contents”) published on this Website involving intellectual property rights, the relevant intellectual property rights thereof belong to the Company or other legal owners.

2. Any infringement of intellectual property rights that beyond the range of rational use permitted by relevant laws and regulations, such as copy, overt dissemination(including making dissemination possible), dictation, exhibition, publishing, assignment, leasing, translation, adaptation, modification, abridgement, reproduction, etc. of the Contents without prior written consent of the Company or other legal obligees shall be prohibited, unless other terms and conditions of this Website specify otherwise.




If one wishes to set up a link on this Website, please fill in the following information and send to info@china-yintai.com.cn: contents, site URL, purpose of linking, URL of the link, URL of this Website where he/she wishes to link to, name and address. But the Company may reject to set up such links in consideration of its own decision, and will not be held liable for any dispute or loss arising from setting up links in this Website. 




• 对与本网站相关的本公司获得的个人信息,将依据本公司的个人信息规定执行。

•The personal information obtained by the Company related to this Website shall be subject to the Company's regulations on personal information.




• 有关本网站的咨询,请通过向info@china-yintai.com.cn发送邮件方式与本网站联系。

For any inquiries about this Website, please contact us via email: info@china-yintai.com.cn.